Thanks to all partners, and long - term support to the company, all our employees express sincere thanks!Due to the business development and expansion of the company, the company has been relocated to the self-built standard factory building, no. 2055, shanglinyuan fifth road, high-tech zone, xi 'an, with a total area of over 20,000 square meters since May 1, 2017.The office environment is first-class and the production workshop meets the 5S standard, that is, the production factors such as human, machine, material, method and so on have been effectively managed in the production process, ...
Date: 2013 - 11 - 29
In the spring of March, it is a good time for all things to wake up. In this spring day, Shaanxi Zhenli Power Technology Co., Ltd. received a number of partners to invite them for product application technology lectures. For this reason, our company president is a Zhou Lingli and the chief technical officer of the company Ju Hua. They were accompanied by the company's sales manager Qi Jing and Ju Boyue.The three-day lecture was held at the first stop of the Xiamen Xiamen Huadian Switch Co., Ltd., the second station was Xiamen ABB Switch Co., Ltd., the third station was Xiamen Sch...
Date: 2018 - 11 - 27
On April 26th, GE (GM Electric China Co., Ltd,) led a delegation to visit our company. The company was warmly received by Zhou Lingli(the president of the company) the chief engineer of the company, and the regional manager of the sales department, Bai Yongli.Accompanied by relevant leaders such as the company's chief technical officer and regional manager of the sales department, Bai Yongli and other leaders from GE visited the high-voltage current-limiting fuse production line, low-voltage, new energy, fast-melting, and other series of fuse production lines and testin...
Date: 2018 - 10 - 30
北极星风力发电网获悉,河北省发改委近日发布《河北省“十三五”电力发展规划》。规划指出,“十三五”风电项目建成投产1060万千瓦,到2020年全省风力发电装机容量达到2100万千瓦以上。推进张家口百万千瓦级风电基地三期和承德百万千瓦级风电基地二期、三期建设,到2020年张承风电基地风电装机容量争取达到1800万千瓦;稳妥推进沿海风电建设,到2020年沿海风电装机容量争取达到80万千瓦;鼓励省内东南部地区开展低风速风电开发建设;支持分散式风电发展。以下为规划原文:| 来源:北极星风力发电网河北省“十三五”电力发展规划电力是关系能源安全、经济发展、社会稳定的基础产业和公用事业。“十三五”时期是我省全面建成小康社会的决胜期、全面深化改革的攻坚期,贯彻落实“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”发展理念,紧抓京津冀协同发展、雄安新区和“一带一路”建设等重大历史机遇,着力转变电力发展方式,保障电力安全可靠运行,是全面建成小康社会,建设经济强省、美丽河北的重要支撑。本规划依据《国家电力发展“十三五”规划》、《河北省国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要》、《河北省“十三五”能源发展规划》编制,规划期为2016—2020年。规划实施过程中,适时进行滚动调整。一、发展基础及形势(一)发展基础1. 保障能力逐步增强2015年,全省全社会用电量3176亿千瓦时,发电装机容量5836万千瓦,发电量2301亿千瓦时...
Date: 2017 - 11 - 15
Date: 2017 - 11 - 08
Solar energy is an inexhaustible renewable energy for human beings. It has the advantages of sufficient cleanliness, absolute safety, relative universality, long life and no maintenance, sufficient resources and potential economy, etc., and it plays an important role in long-term energy strategy.Photovoltaic power generation has the characteristics of safety and reliability and is free from regional restrictions.No pollution discharge or risk of exhaustion.At present, most of China's large photovoltaic power plants are built in northwest and north China.Vast solar panels are built in the d...
Date: 2013 - 11 - 29
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Address:No.2055,Shanglinyuan 5th Road, High-tech district, Xi'an City Shaanxi Province, China 
Tel: 86 029-86795471
Fax: 86 029-86307131
Zip Code:330520
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